Staying motivated with your workout routine

Staying motivated with your workout routine

Apr 05, 2020

Fitness and exercise should never feel like a chore, yet many people can find it to be quite burdensome; whether that's just a phase or a general perspective. Many of us tend to go through dry spells of exercising, or as some call it 'Fitness Yo-Yoing.'

The most important factor in my opinion is to find a form of exercise that you really enjoy and can't live without, and then factor this into your daily/weekly routine so that you won't feel the need to come up with excuses. Studies show that just 30 minutes of moderate-vigorous intensity, 5 times a week will produce favorable results if consistent.

Here are some tips on how to keep yourself motivated:

1) Invest in your favorite workout gear. How many of you buy an item of clothing and get excited to wear it for the first time? I can pretty confidently say most people agree that new workout gear is exciting and gives you a little push to get up and work out. The most important factor is comfort. This will help you look and feel great during your workout.

2) Set an achievable goal with a time frame. This could be a performance goal, or even something small like losing a few extra kg to fit into some item of clothing in a few weeks time. The main thing is to find a focus and something to work towards.

3) Make your workouts a social outing. There is nothing better than starting the weekend sweating strong and then heading out for some well-deserved refuel food with your friends. It's something friends can do together, gives you an opportunity to have some YOU time and it certainly gives that little extra commitment not to back out at the last minut

4) Find positive aspects of your workout!
Most of us tend to focus on negativity or the pain of an intense class. Try to flip your mindset to focus on how amazing you will always feel after. A sense of achievement is always worth the temporary struggle. Exercising naturally increases our bodies' endorphins, which stimulates positivity. These hormones are also proven to reduce pain and create a sensation of euphoria.

5) Reward yourself. Even if you've set a weight loss goal, who says you can't still enjoy your favorite foods in moderation? It's just about balance; you deserve to indulge once in a while after all. Practice portion control and the 80-20 rule: If around 80% of your daily intake comes from whole, nutrient-dense food, you have a little room for the less nutritious, more "fun" foods.

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